Friday, August 21, 2009

Movie Review 7 : District 9

I was really excited to see a new movie poster up on the "Anggrek 21" billboard after being continuously disappointed by the same movie that's been dominating the billboard for a really really long time...

but what really made me curious and excited at the same time is how the critics went crazy over a "not so hyped" summer movie which trailer I can't possibly understand, no matter how many times I watched it... so going out to the cinema and spending my money on this movie was pretty much experimental...

But it was a really good experiment..

To sum it up..

my hypothesis was "bad" and the result was "awesome"!

I was literally left in awe at how a movie with a whole bunch of unknown casts could be this good!

The only famous thing about this is the name Peter Jackson (whom we all known... and loved from the LOTR trilogy) but that's just about it...

And the most interesting thing is the fact that the whole movie was in Johannesburg and for the first time a history an alien movie that is neither in the US, Japan or space...

This movie probably has one of the most original plot ever and it took a really big risk, making an alien movie that portrays aliens as pretty much an endangered species used in human experiments...

It is also packed with emotions and actions... showing its viewers the feelings when a normal person's life is changed drastically and his struggle to keep himself sane as he is forced to witness the down side of human power over other creatures...

Though this movie is pretty predictable and has its downsides... it's still a good treat after rows and rows of disappointment in summer movies which i will review in my free times...

and one thing for sure.. I will definitely add this movie to my favourites and DVD list...

Signing out for now~


PS : Sorry bout the huge poster... can't find anything smaller and too lazy to resize it~


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