Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Latest Concept~

Just recently my family found out about me having a blog and despite my protest, they decided to read it. My mum was really impressed with my post regarding her birthday - mainly because she was touched and of course excited with the idea of her picture and stories published throughout the web. And she encourages me to write more.

But then I started reviewing and being someone who doesn't watch the same shows as I did, my mum's enthusiasm slowly grows south. So now I've decided to change the concept of my blog. I'll still do the reviewing of videos, movies and series but about twice a week I'll post stories about my life here. Not in the diary kind of way but rather as updates for my family.

These new "updates" will of course involve my ramblings about things that you might not want to know... So, you don't have to read them if you don't want to... /nobigdeal

But my review business will still go on as usual and I hope you'll keep reading my blog for these... /please

P.S. I'm supposed to write a review today but unfortunately I still have two exams on Monday... So I guess my break is going to be longer than expected... sorry for that...

Signing out for now~


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